Boxing Workouts
5 Seasons
Boxing involves BIG, intense, whole-body movements as well as a cognitive challenge. These videos are all boxing inspired to give you a fun challenge. We hope it's a knock-out for you!
Target Audience: Intended for those walking without assistive device, no recent falls, able to stand for 20-25 minutes without difficulty. May need hand support close by for some exercises.
Avg Length: 20-25 minutes
00:41Episode 1
Episode 1
By popular request, we have a NEW series of Rock Steady Boxing led by Marylene R. Kuhlmann, who is founder and owner of Rock Steady Boxing - San Diego. Join in on the fun as Marylene challenges your cognition and full body coordination!
18:19Episode 2
Boxing Fundamentals
Episode 2
Join Marylene, Nate, and Tim on our very first boxing session! This episode will teach you the correct punching and defensive techniques for boxing. It will also challenge your full body coordination and cognition with sequenced moves!
16:30Episode 3
Balance and Coordination
Episode 3
Let Marylene train you to be more steady and agile on your feet with this boxing routing.
Exercises include: leg kicks, punching sequence, and defensive stepping.
17:40Episode 4
Posture and Balance
Episode 4
This video focuses on standing posture and keeping you steady when moving around.
17:36Episode 5
Putting It All Together
Episode 5
Join in as Marylene ties everything together from all her boxing sessions to give you a fun, full body and mind workout.
24:14Episode 6
Boxing with Nate: Session 1
Episode 6
Boxing drills to keep your mind and your body running strong!
23:13Episode 7
Boxing with Nate: Session 2
Episode 7
Boxing and brain games!
23:59Episode 8
Boxing with Nate: Session 3
Episode 8
Challenge your mind and body with boxing moves in a circuit training format that will keep your heart pumping.
Exercises include: Lateral lunges, duck and punch sequences, modified jumping jacks, squats with kickouts
20:47Episode 9
Boxing with Nate: Session 4
Episode 9
Get your heart rate up and your body agile with this episode.
22:51Episode 10
Boxing with Nate: Session 5
Episode 10
This episode uses boxing drills to work up a sweat and hit the all the areas important for PD. All exercises are in standing.
22:23Episode 11
Boxing with Nate: Session 6
Episode 11
We using boxing movements to build intensity, coordination and challenge your brain!
26:00Episode 12
Starter Series: 1.6.20
Episode 12
This is our 4th workout in our boxing segment on the Starter Series. These classes use boxing drills to work on functional movements including transfers, turns and reaching across body. We hope you all enjoy.
21:49Episode 13
Starter Series: 2.24.20
Episode 13
We jumped back in to another series of boxing workouts with this fun workout that will challenge coordination, sequencing, balance and range of motion. We hope you all enjoy!
26:09Episode 14
Starter Series: 12.16.19
Episode 14
We are mixing it up a bit with a boxing-themed workout on the Starter Series today. Work on combination punches, big movements and kickboxing with this workout. Have fun and get your heart pumping today!
27:19Episode 15
Starter Series: 12.23.19
Episode 15
This Starter Series utilizes fun boxing moves that will carryover into real world function. Have fun with these exercises and build balance, coordination and strength at the same time!
25:26Episode 16
Starter Series: 12.30.19
Episode 16
We continue with the 3rd of 4 boxing workouts in this Starter Series. Nate builds on movements we've learned in past videos in this challenging workout.
23:38Episode 17
Starter Series: 3.9.20
Episode 17
Nate leads you through another Starter Series based on Boxing today. Jump right in with this creative workout focused on balance, coordination, sequencing and power!
23:58Episode 18
Starter Series: 3.16.20
Episode 18
Check out our latest workout from our Starter Series. This is workout focuses on boxing again so we hope it's a knockout!
29:52Episode 19
Boxing with Marylene
Episode 19
Try this new boxing workout with Marylene of RSB- San Diego.