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Nate leads us through this series from floor level to work on strength and flexibility while at the same time improving our mobility while on the ground.
Exercises include: bird dogs, thread the needle, kneeling with trunk extension and side to side stepping on all 4s.
Up Next in High intensity Training 2019
High Intensity Training: 6.10.19
Join Kelsey, Nate, and Jeanette in our second ground-work exercise session!
Exercises include: trunk rotation while kneeling, dead bugs, sideways scoots, and reaching from a sideways plank.
High Intensity Training: 6.20.19
Join Nate on the second high intensity workout on the ground.
Exercises include:
High Intensity Training: 6.26.19
This is the last workout in our 4-part floor based series.
Exercises include: bridges with a step, rolling and reaching, modified planks and hip openers on all 4s.