We work on the ground in this episode that challenges strength and coordination. If you have shoulder issues and this video causes pain, you might want to avoid this workout.
Exercises include: leg lifts to the side, power-up bowing, push-ups, seated scoots, and crossbody lift and reach.
Up Next in High Intensity Training 2018
High Intensity Training: Session 6, 2018
Jeanette joins us for another great workout along with a special appearance from our mail man, LL!
Exercises include: head-shoulder-toe squats, boxing combination, same-side power-ups, and lung kicks.
High Intensity Training: Session 7, 2018
Nate guides you through a warmup and then focuses on high intensity, big movements to get you sweating!!
Exercises include: left and right knee pulls, boxing combination, side-step power-ups, and front lunges.
High Intensity Training: Session 8, 2018
Nate focuses on four broad movements that works on balance, strength, and coordination. Then, he wraps it up with a cognitive drill at the end. Are you ready to get your body and mind moving!?
Exercise include: opposite hand-leg marches, squat-trunk rotation power-ups, hip rotation, and cross...