Exercises include: Squats, lunges, wt shifting activities, planks with alternating leg lifts, pushups and jumping jacks. Modifications given for all exercises. Jump in to this workout and get a good challenge with big movements today!
Up Next in AMP Class 2018
AMP Class with France: Session 3
Exercises include: back extension on the ground, jumping jacks, lunges, mountain climbers, and balance work on single leg. Weights optional. Have fun with this high energy workout.
AMP Class with France: Session 4
Exercise include: back lunges, trunk extension, bridges, mountain climbers using a towel to easily slide along the floor. You may want to be on a surface that is smooth to utilize the towel. All exercise can be modified to perform without a towel. Jump on in on the fun!
AMP Class with France: Session 5
Are you ready for another high-intensity workout!? France focuses on trunk extension on the ground, sumo squats, pushups with balance challenge and high knees with trunk rotation. No special equipment needed.