Live Workout Schedule
Check out our weekly Zoom schedule (Pacific time). Scroll right for the most recent recordings or find workouts by category below. Remember, you can join our Zoom workouts via the link and password in our weekly emails sent on Sundays. The link and password are always the same for every class and...
Yoga with Dana: 1.9.25
ChairFit Express: 1.8.25 (All Seated)
Starter Series: 1.7.25
A.M.P. Express: 1.6.25
Cardio Drumming: Billy Joel (1.3.25)
A.M.P. Class: 1.2.25
Voice Training: 12.18.24
Bed Mobility
Beat the Freeze: 4-Part Series
1 season
In this 4-part series, Jennie Allex, DPT and Nate Coomer, DPT explain freezing and shuffling of gait. This series will explain the reasons why people freeze, strategies we use in the clinic to help patients improve their walking and how to use these same strategies in the real world to keep you m...
New Features: 9.10.24